Check the guidelines to get the Green Financial Support
SMEs according to the European Commission’s criteria (detailed information) .
SMEs headquartered in EU member states, countries associated to COSME part of the Single Market Programme or countries which are in ongoing negotiations (list of participating countries).
SMEs operating in the electronics ecosystem in areas such as: Radio communications, Cyber security, Artificial intelligence, Energy harvesting, Photonics, Sensors, other technologies in addition to the above might also be applicable.
SMEs that has not been declared bankrupt or has initiated bankruptcy procedures, fraudulent behaviour, other financial irregularities
SME-Applicants should be independent to the selected services provider (without ownership, capital, or personal links).
You can find more information in the guide for applicants
THE CALL IS CLOSED - 25 green financial support have been assigned
If you are an eligible SME, you will submit your application through the link above, including your company information, sevice offer and the information of the training provider. Find the document with the information required.
Once you have included all your information and the training offer, the green expert will need to be included in our catalogue, if they are not already
Check below about the process
Once the proposal is submitted together with all the documents requested, the project team will evaluate it and take the decision about its validity. We will follow the criteria of first submited, first served, until covering 25 proposals.
Experts who would like to become one of our Green Experts will need to fulfill the next requirements:
Legal entity located in an EU country or one of the eligible country in this list
Able to and provide the service in English
Professionals with at least 3 years of experience working with the referred areas and type of services
Service could be provided online or in-person
Do not have a conflict of interest with any of Silicon Eurocluster partners
Potential Green Experts will apply to become a provider and be visible in the Silicon Europe catalogue
Silicon Eurocluster team will evaluate the application and will take a decision if the company is able to provide the services
If your request is approved, we will publish your profile in our digital catalogue and the Silicon Europe website
We have created a guide for applicants to resolve the doubts you may have. Read more
Check the information of the Form you will need to complete to get the Green Financial Support
If you have any technical problems or doubt when filling in the online application Form tell us directly by contacting
Silicon Eurocluster wants to place Europe in a leading position in development and production of Micro- and Nanoelectronics (key enabling technologies) by harnessing the teamwork of existing high-potential clusters in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Sweden, and the Netherlands.
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